And damn!! There is so much to write about in regards to this whole experience! I am finally doing what I want to do--and I have never felt more EMPOWERED. That's the word--and it has totally changed me to the point where I am not the same person as the guy in this picture anymore.
That's the Brodie who didn't know the amazing awesomeness of going out onstage and taking one's life by the balls and being completely in charge of one's destiny and life plan. It's similar to coming out of the closet in a way because no longer does one give a fuck about whether others approve. The rush that comes with doing "as thou wilt" is far greater than any fear or insecurity of being judged as somehow coming up short.
And I have to add that (for some reason) it was really hard to do this! It was as hard--if not harder and more nerve-wracking than taking the plunge (no pun intended) and doing my first big porn studio shoot. But the rewards have been just as great if not greater ... I had no idea what kind of power lies in doing what one truly WANTS to do!
It has actually radically altered who is staying close to me and my life and who is not going to be able to go along for this particular "ride." I am amazed at how this spiritual/metaphysical concept is so very real.
I have a lot of gratitude in my heart for the guys who helped me get to this point. I called on some pretty surprising people from my past for comfort as the days got closer to the performance. But everyone was very understanding.
The Vid of the live performance is avaiable now on my XTube account. Also watch for more stills along with a YouTube promo video in the days to come.
This is a new (and very welcome albeit long overdue) beginning ... old things are done away, and all things have become anew!
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