Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Really? The Mainstream Gay Community Suddenly Turns Aryan?

I know it might seem like I am making connections where there are none and creating coincidences out of thin air, but something doesn't add up about this trend I am noticing in the gay mainstream. I also realize most people won't have a clue what I am talking about, but for the few who do read my blog and understand the research body from which I draw, my expression might at least be productive.

The trend of dark-haired (and even Latin) gay guys doing the platinum blond thing certainly has an "I love Aryan" feel to it. But it doesn't add up because these guys are so far from any real connections to Aldebaran or Satan. Even more interesting is that the cast and crew of the White Party affair in Palm Springs (largely an Illuminati-sponsored ritual) have joined in the "white supremacy" thing with shortening their logo simply to "WP" this past year. In other words, the subtext of this ima
gery could easily be interpreted as "How 'bout a little game of 'White Power,' Scarecrow?"

Why would an Illuminati run-and-owned community such as the "gay mainstream" be promoting apparently Nazi-like sentimentalism while major pornstars like Dominic Ryder chime in with their wanna-be-Caucasian appearance? (Hopefully Dominic reads this at some point and questions what he seems to so blindly be doing in order to follow along and be a good gay pornstar because his new body is fucking ripped, and it's a shame to see him otherwise being so routine.)

Other blond-in-a-bottle hotties on social networking sites like dudesnude will probably just keep following blindly along which is biz as usual for those of the follower mentality. The real question, however, remains: Why the sudden push by the "other side" toward what appears to be those same trends that we as gay Satanists embrace? You know the stereotype--the leather-clad Berlin faggot archetype.

It makes no sense--the values of the gay mainstream could not be further from those of the gay leather euro skinhead camp. Is it just one more rip-off attempt on the part of the enemy who wants so badly to "incorporate" us? Or are there actually Satanic elements right in our own backyard (the good old american gay mainstream)? If so, then score 666 points for ENKI, but I remain skeptical of the real purposes behind the new gay mainstream's all-too-transparent infatuation with Aryanism.

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