Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who Exactly is Belial?

More than anything, Black Goat Releasing is a gathering project—or a rescue mission/recovery project. Geared toward the recovery and rescue of men who (like me) were raised in environments that did not allow them to embrace who they are and find kinship with their own.

I have noticed that men raised in secular environments are not particularly attracted to or fascinated with my project--or with occultism, Satanism, or the like. Similarly, they don’t generally have any of the “symptoms” that those raised with the traditional religions seem to have. For these guys, I hope they at least find my work entertaining and can appreciate its literary value and artistic intent.

But for men raised in some kinds of religious environments or other types of difficult situations, the goal of Black Goat Releasing is to facilitate the transition from a paradigm which marginalizes and—actually quite literally—“demonizes” one’s very existence as a man who is homosexual. The message of Black Goat Releasing (and its emphasis on the demon Belial) is intended to help us realize that demonic is not “bad”—nor is Christian and heterosexual “good.”

They are simply different ways of existence with no value or judgment attached.

My point is never to judge Christians or any group whatsoever. All ways of life and religion are valuable and have merit, but it is the attempt by one group to control or oppress another (often through extremely subtle and almost unnoticeable means) that I see as harmful and not desirable. But the bottom line is that Black Goat discriminates against no person, group, thing, or entity—even the archangel Michael or Jesu Christu himself!

Whether “real” or not, the demon Belial is one that I have grown very close to. The energy is VERY real.

The next few posts will cover more extensively this vast topic, including a transcript of an online channeling session. Much more to come …

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is good to see your enthusiasm for this project called Black Goat Releasing being voiced so well brother.
