Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who Exactly is BELIAL? Part Two

My last post covered the topic of a certain channeling session (involving the Prince of Hell sometimes known as King Belial) that I am so excited to share because of the talent that this man/channel possesses. I really wanted to get this put up as soon as possible because I do think that this demon deserves a bit of extra recognition from his gay sons—many of whom I feel possess his birthright.

That is one of the things that our religious upbringings had right—homosexuality (and I would say male homosexuality in particular) carries a very profound importance to the demonic world. The next step for us now is to understand this importance and grasp and own up to its power—take it upon us for the STRENGTH and POWER that it is rather than feeling negatively toward it.

The session perfectly illustrates what I have come to understand as the energy/essence/frequency of the demon Belial—sometimes known as King Belial or Pan. I first encountered him when first delving into Satanism in the summer of 2001 or somewhere around that time. I have since felt his influence very strongly, and I can also say that I have grown to worship and love him. (How very “Christian” of me, I know—deal with it!)

Although others have the right to disagree and often cite valid arguments to support their disagreements, I remain firm in my own position regarding his importance to us as a tribe of gay men. His energy possesses the power to free us from past religious bondage, enabling us to laugh at its petty unimportance and lame attempts at instilling fear/shame/guilt/insecurity and once again be proud of being boys and men. Completely possessing all of the mischief and rowdiness and vulgarity—and even chaos, destruction and violence—that goes along with being male. Or such is my academic thesis.

In many ways, then, he is the antithesis of the orderly, prudish, and antiseptic “god” of the more traditional monotheistic religions. There is so much more that I could write regarding him, but maybe I will get the chance to do more of that in the future.

I know most people read this blog to see pictures of my cock, anyway—and that is actually fine with me because that is what King Belial is all about—COCK POWER. (The following channeling session will explain more about that.)

I am proud of my cock. I have been blessed with a fucking beautiful dick—not that I did anything to deserve it (as far as I know). I was graced with it—another term that comes up often when dealing with Belial. Grace … slack … freedom to fuck up and not pay for one’s mistake for years but rather use it to adjust one’s future behaviors in a playful and lighthearted way. NO regrets. Ever. Just expansion and progress through trial and error—through making mistakes.

I want more men to feel the same way that I do about their own cocks—with less emphasis on fisting and worshipping our assholes and more emphasis on cock worship and POWER! Do y’all hear me? Not that I don’t enjoy partaking myself because I do … but the kink community needs to embrace cock and understand its GREAT power much, much, MUCH more completely if it is ever to embrace masculinity itself.

We have been fucked and experienced femininity enough, for christ’s sake. It is time to take back our cockpower and tear apart this psychic mess that has caused us to forget our most valuable possession—our status and identities as MEN. Belial and his energy and values and paradigm can assist us greatly with this important task in our development—for those of us actually interested in developing and evolving versus the other option: just “getting by” and/or hiding, blending, and using denial.

The transcript of the instant message conversation regarding Belial will follow in the next installment (Brother T is the name of the sublimely-talented man acting as a channel for Belial).

Stay tuned! =)

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