Thursday, December 16, 2010

Art without Intelligence is Pointless.

So I am starting to get stoked up on the possibility that my song "MOTEL 666" is going to transform into an even more sexed-up and dance-friendly track after some remixing I am getting ready for on Tuesday here in Palm Springs. The dude who is helping me is an engineer based in INDIO of all places (well close to it). He was responsible for Al Yankee's latest record.

This could be really cool, and I am beginning to see the possibility that it might carry the Newport (Beach) frequency even more powerfully after this . . . what am I talking about? The sense of there being both a seduction of the body AND the mind. Love the quote, "Art without intelligence is pointless." It is so true.

Blogging is tricky for me because I do not want to spoil any surprises. You will have to come to the White Party in Palm Springs to hear the new remix I guess.

But yeah--the song is bringing to mind some new images of a boy from my High School days in Mormon Salt Lake City. Basketball player but also geek with glasses in all the smart classes which is how we met and became friends, and I always had this sense that he would have driven me fucking wild if we could have had some alone time in the Salt Lake Mormon temple during one of the excursions with our youth group there.

If any Skyliners are reading this, I would love to hear some guesses about who the guy might be. Being respectful of identities of course. Hit me up on Facebook or better yet post a response here. (I probably won't get any response LoL . . . )

So with that, I will post a shot taken with pornstar Che London that I just got my own hands on this week. The full set will be up on Black Goat Releasing on XTube most likely by the end of the month. (Thanks to Tom Bianchi, one of my most fond mentors and role models forever and with whom I shared an amazing homemade dinner this past week . . . and my jaw dropped as he mentioned casually one of his past discussions with Liza Minelli about performance techniques.)

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