Friday, April 4, 2008

Back from L.A. Shoots with Naughty America and Unzipped Video !!

Just finished shooting scenes this week for Unzipped and Naughty America (Suite 703) on location in Los Angeles. It was a blast, and I got to work with some amazingly hot guys.

Working with Doug Jeffries again was great--what an awesome, insightful, and talented guy he is. I appreciate how much he cares about his performers and love that he has a "soul." The scene should offer plenty of the thrills that "Bottom of the Ninth" did and more. He is a great mentor as well and offered some really helpful hints for stripping -- something I can use on Monday at the Mr. Nude Seattle contest!
Got to meet Chi Chi LaRue in person finally as well! She is super encouraging and such a postivie and upbeat person, and her "Deep South Parts 1 and 2" (Falcon) have always been some of the most inspiring videos out there for me. And the "Link" series is brilliant of course . . .
Anyway--wow, I can't believe how crazy-busy things are--now I have to work hard on my show for the Mr. Nude Seattle Contest on Monday ! Will write more tomorrow . . .
XXX! Bro

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