Sunday, October 26, 2008

BLACK GOAT RELEASING: Free Stills Now on XTube!

To view the entire free set, CLICK HERE (you must be 21 or older to view).


Anonymous said...

Hail Satan Brodie, you are now where you have wanted to be for a long time. I am glad to be a part of it bro. I am better man for knowing you, we will change the face of the industry my friend.

Vlad Bishop

Anonymous said...

Hey Sexy! m curious what all this really is. I'm quite vanilla, so not sure if it's my thing yet. Will give you me input though. LOL

Happy XXX MOnday!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Chris, just to clarify, and I hope Brodie chimes in as well, this has nothing to do with sex at its core, it is Brodies spiritual path. Just wanted to throw in my two cents since you mentioned being quite vanilla that the motivation of this for Brodie is not strictly sexual.

Vlad Bishop

Brodie Newport said...

Hey there Chris and Vlad:

It's true that my sexuality and spirituality are pretty much inseparable. That's just how I'm wired, I guess ... Mormon upbringing to blame?

BUT ... Triple Six Comics is a good example of demonic sex as more "fetish" (sometimes also referred to as "666" in the world of gay "pervs," pigs, and fetishists).

Their website is:

Hope that you enjoy this "foray" into the darker underworld of our collective unconscious as gay men. All of this is only the beginning of a long exploration into our psychosexual natures! (Don't u love that word? haha)

Let me know what you think, Chris! I will give you a call and can't wait to see you on Friday (and I am going to miss you tons, Vlad--although we will be working together like crazy fiends "across the miles")! :)